Radio Sales Training: Crawl Walk Run

Instructor:  Chris Rolando
Course Dates: Open-ended
Enrollment Dates: Enroll Anytime
Who can Enroll: Registered users.
Course Language: English
Price:  FREE

About the Course

Radio Sales Training: Crawl Walk Run

You will need to be able to clear your calendar for the next 15 days.  This is going to be an uphill climb all the way but if you follow every step, just the way I ask you to do then I WILL Guarantee you success.  I won’t waste your time and I won’t waste your company’s money.

Getting organized at first means nothing more than making the time to pay attention to the daily meetings which in general, are about ½ hour. Each day there will also be tests and there will be homework.  Day 2, the homework will start right after the meeting and will probably take you until the end of the day and then some.  

You will be hearing from people on staff that all of what I am going to put you through is not necessary.  It’s not!  I made it just fine without this training.  Of course it has taken me over three decades to perfect my sales skills to the level I will have you at in just three weeks.  It will also be tempting to not do many of the things I ask you to do.  “Why do I need a standard opening”, or “I feel like a jerk reciting an elevator speech” or “I am a good people person… I’ll make people like me”.  All of this is fine.  Choose what you like.  BUT… IF you follow my devilishly simple plan and don’t let any bad thinking enter your brain you will make more money more quickly than most people in this business.

I am going to be talking a lot about goals.  They are important.  No I don’t mean those measly little sales goals that your sales manager is going to send you.  I am talking about LIFE goals.  The size and quality of these goals matter.  The bigger the goal the more pain you will endure to get it it.  Ask me to walk across hot coals to the adulation of my friends and I can guarantee you its not going to happen.  Ask me to walk 10 feet of hot coals for $1M cash… now we’re talking.  Oh hell who am I kidding…  $200 bucks and a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue and I’m on the coals.

As we begin this process together, start thinking about your life goals.  No not that “where do you want to be in ten years” crap…  I’m talking about where you want to go on vacation this summer… what house you’d rather be living in and how much money you want in your checking account.


Course Structure

  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 1 (Test is below each video)
    • What does it take?
      • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 1
      • Day 1 Manual
      • Who is Number One?
      • Advantage
      • Fear
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 2
    • Who do I sell to?
      • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 2
      • Day 2 Manual
      • Homework: Upload a list
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 3
    • Get in the door!
      • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 3
      • Manual Day 3
      • In the elevator
      • Zip It!
      • Cold Calling Rules
      • The promise
      • Where is the information?
      • List stations you sell for (or plan on selling for) followed by Frequency, Power, City of License and Format.
      • Homework
      • Upload your tri-fold here
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 4
    • Getting Prepared
      • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 4
      • Manual Day 4
      • Talking or Listening?
      • Listening Skills
      • Elevator Speech
      • Executive Summary
      • Homework
      • Business Card
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 5
    • Words are all I have
      • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 5
      • Manual Day 5
      • Who pushed it?
      • Timing
      • Write down three business cold calls for next week:
      • Homework
      • Next Week
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 6
    • Swing for the Fences!
      • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 6
      • Manual Day 6
      • CNAs
      • Spec Spots
      • Batting Average
      • Covey's Quadrants
      • Homework
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 7
    • Copy Writing
      • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 7
      • Manual Day 7
      • What is Margin?
      • Your Video (This is currently not working, please omit this section)
      • A schedule
      • ROI
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 8
    • The Contract
      • Manual Day 8
      • I killed my sale
      • When are sales made?
      • Homework
      • Objection Handling
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 9
    • Trial Closing
      • Manual Day 9
      • When to trail close
      • Closed end questions
      • Homework
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 10
    • Manage Time
      • Manual Day 10
      • Planning Fails
      • Calendar
      • Homework
      • Calendar Planning
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 11
    • Keep yourself tuned up
      • Manual Day 11
      • The Plan
      • When are sales made
      • Spec ads
      • Research
      • Elevator Speech
      • Cold Calling
      • Homework
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 12
    • Make networking a priority
      • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 12
      • Manual Day 12
      • Hot Buttons
      • CNAs
      • Profit
      • Annuals
      • Trial Close
      • Homework
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 13
    • How does it work?
      • Manual Day 13
      • Search Engines
      • Mapping
      • Closed end questions
      • Length
      • Video
      • Write five statements on why Radio is good advertising medium for businesses
      • Make a list of everything that was going to kill Radio
      • Create a sentence on why you LOVE radio
      • Untitled
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 14
    • Feed your mind
      • Manual Day 14
      • CNAs
      • Spec
      • Closing
      • Contact
      • Covey Quadrants
      • ROI
      • Goals
      • Money
      • Spending
      • Traffic
      • Power
      • More Power
      • Essay
      • Pick a Category, Pick three businesses in that category, Ask everyone you see today about that TYPE of business then Write down what they say Write a complete :30 ad from each statement
  • Radio Sales Training Crawl Walk Run Day 15
    • The Beginning
      • Manual Day 15
      • You made it


Chris Rolando
Chris Rolando began his career in radio in 1976, working part time on weekends at an AM radio station in Albany New York. His Sunday Morning gig consisted of tracking AT40 with Kasey Kasem and filling the top of the hour between discs with the weather. In the ensuing years, ...